Designing for People with Autism (ASD).
22/05/23The term Autism is an umbrella term for a wide range of conditions. These conditions can relate to communication, social interaction, behaviour and interests. Autism can, to varying degrees, affect how people with the condition perceive the world around them and how they interact with others. Autism is called a Spectrum Disorder...
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Preserving the past: the importance of historic sites
26/04/23The UK is rich in history, but in the past the importance of this heritage wasn’t always realised. Structures have often been built on top of other, older properties or adapted and altered in ways that may mask a historic core. While this was once considered acceptable, today it is acknowledged that the historic importance...
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Rural estates – a country heritage
24/04/23Drive anywhere in the UK and you’ll encounter some great examples of country estates, with beautiful distinctive architecture dotted throughout the landscape. Estates occupy huge swathes of the UK. The largest landowner in the UK is the Forestry Commission, which owns about 2.5 million acres. The biggest single owner...
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Briefing your architect: the do’s and don’ts.
12/04/23You may have been thinking of making changes to the design of your home for years. Or perhaps you have always dreamed of building your own home. At some point, if you want to turn those dreams into reality, you need to sit down with an architect and find out what’s possible. Importantly, you need to be clear from the...
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Replacement buildings – realising design potential
05/04/23Replacement buildings are an option for designers and builders who want to develop a plot of land that already has a building in place. There’s a scarcity of land with development potential at the moment across the UK, so replacement buildings are a popular option for anyone looking to embark on a design and construction...
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Enerphit retrofit 9: replacing and upgrading the loft insulation
23/03/23The loft in Matt’s new house had previously been insulated, initially with a 25mm roll between the ceiling joists. On inspection, it appeared that another 75mm had been added to fill the space between the joists and then, later still, another 200mm had been added over the joists. Almost 300mm of insulation doesn&...
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